Join the Pack!
Scouting follows the school year, but don't worry, you don't have to wait until the new year starts, Join any time!
Why join Pack 4380?
Pack 4380 includes 18 youth primarily from Bethany and Mathews Elementary schools in Plano, TX. Youth from other Plano and Frisco area school also join our pack because we offer lots of fun activities, many camping opportunities and a high level of parental support. Pack 4380 is considered among the top Cub Scout units in the Chisholm Trail District, earning the GOLD AWARD two years ago for our Journey to Excellence. With a few exceptions most all activities are family oriented - scouts, parents, and siblings are welcome to participate. |
What types of Activities does Pack 4380 do?
Camping, Pinewood Derby, Pumpkin Carving, Service Projects, and Field Trips just to name a few. Did we mention Camping? All activities are designed to build character, teach citizenship and improve fitness. Check out our pack Calendar for all the upcoming events. |
How does my child join Pack 4380?
Contact our Membership Chairperson or Committee Chairperson for a membership form or visit HERE to register online. Check out our Pack & Den Leaders page for contact information. |
How is Pack 4380 Organized?
Trained parents manage and organize the pack and den activities (click image at right to see the organizational structure). Each den is a group of boys organized by grade level. Multiple dens make up the pack.

My child is busy. How much time is needed for cub scouts?
Cub Scouts members of Pack 4380 are involved in sports, music lessons, school activities, and many other outside interests. The scouting program is structured to allow scouts to miss some meetings in their busy time of the year and catch up at other times. During the school year your child will have the opportunity to attend two (1-hour) den meetings/field trips and one (1-hour) pack meeting per month. There are also several optional fun activities each month you may participate in. It's OK to miss some den meetings.
For 1st grade Tiger Cub Scouts, a parent must to be present and participate in the den meetings. For 2nd and 3rd graders, parent participation is encouraged, but not required. 4th and 5th graders may attend a den meeting without a parent depending on the den leader & the activity. BSA requires two deep leadership for all meetings and that all den leaders be YPT certified.
Cub Scouts members of Pack 4380 are involved in sports, music lessons, school activities, and many other outside interests. The scouting program is structured to allow scouts to miss some meetings in their busy time of the year and catch up at other times. During the school year your child will have the opportunity to attend two (1-hour) den meetings/field trips and one (1-hour) pack meeting per month. There are also several optional fun activities each month you may participate in. It's OK to miss some den meetings.
For 1st grade Tiger Cub Scouts, a parent must to be present and participate in the den meetings. For 2nd and 3rd graders, parent participation is encouraged, but not required. 4th and 5th graders may attend a den meeting without a parent depending on the den leader & the activity. BSA requires two deep leadership for all meetings and that all den leaders be YPT certified.

How can I support my son?
As your child's Akela, adult partner, your main role is to attend pack meetings with your son and participate in activities with them. Since all parents will interact with other scouts in the meetings and pack activities, we require that all adults take a Youth Protection Training (YPT) Course so that everyone understands how we protect our children and what our leaders can and cannot do. YPT is offered online (<60 minutes) or you can take YPT in person offered at various times throughout the year. See our Adult Training and Orientation page for more information.
Also, Pack 4380 cannot operate without the support of parents in committee and leadership roles. As a first year parent you might consider volunteering as an assistant den leader or as a committee member. There's a role for everyone. Check out all the Committees and Leadership opportunities.
If you decide to take on a den leader or assistance den leader role that works directly with the boys, you will need to complete an Adult membership form, which requires a background check and take a den leader training course in addition to YPT. Contact your Committee Chairperson or the Pack Trainer for more information.
As your child's Akela, adult partner, your main role is to attend pack meetings with your son and participate in activities with them. Since all parents will interact with other scouts in the meetings and pack activities, we require that all adults take a Youth Protection Training (YPT) Course so that everyone understands how we protect our children and what our leaders can and cannot do. YPT is offered online (<60 minutes) or you can take YPT in person offered at various times throughout the year. See our Adult Training and Orientation page for more information.
Also, Pack 4380 cannot operate without the support of parents in committee and leadership roles. As a first year parent you might consider volunteering as an assistant den leader or as a committee member. There's a role for everyone. Check out all the Committees and Leadership opportunities.
If you decide to take on a den leader or assistance den leader role that works directly with the boys, you will need to complete an Adult membership form, which requires a background check and take a den leader training course in addition to YPT. Contact your Committee Chairperson or the Pack Trainer for more information.

I don't know the first thing about Camping. What do I do?
Every year many new cub scout parents join Pack 4380 that have never gone camping or don't have any camping gear. We have lots of options to make sure your son gets the camping experience.
Every year many new cub scout parents join Pack 4380 that have never gone camping or don't have any camping gear. We have lots of options to make sure your son gets the camping experience.
- Day Only Camping - We usually camp at sites within 2 hours of Plano. If you want to ease into camping, consider driving out to our campsite early Saturday morning, enjoy all the activities and meals with the pack and leave later that evening after dinner, s'mores and our campfire program. This will give you the flavor of camping before attempting an overnight camping trip.
- Buddy-System - We can pair your family up with a more experienced buddy that can help answer questions, let you borrow camping gear and help teach you how to use it before you decide on what gear you might want to purchase in the future. Check with our Outdoor Activities Chair for more information.
- BALOO Training - 2 times per year our district, Chisholm Trail, offers a Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) course targeted to new adult campers and pack leaders that are in charge of running their campouts. This course teaches adults how to organize and plan a pack campout, BSA camping rules & saftey and information on various camping gear. Check out our Training Page for more information.

How does Pack 4380 finance its scouting program?
Pack 4380 receives funding from Pack dues and from our popcorn fundraiser.
Pack 4380 receives funding from Pack dues and from our popcorn fundraiser.
- Pack dues are generally around $100 per scout per year but may vary from year to year based on total members, fundraising success and planned activities. Check out our Pack Dues page for more information.
- Pack 4380 requires ALL cub scouts to participate in our popcorn fundraiser each September to fund the pack activities and awards. Boys also earn prizes for their efforts. For more information visit our Popcorn page.
- The yearly goal is set by the Pack Committee in August.
- This money is used to pay for camping fees, awards and rank advancements for the scouts, fees to the Council, and enhancements for the program.
Are there any other expenses?
There are some additional items and optional activities that you may need to fund. For Example: